Wednesday, June 6, 2012

3 Things I Wish My People Knew

Felt like God really spoke this to me: He highlighted three things that he wished his people knew:

1.       “I wish my people knew”……that the goal is to be transformed DAILY to become more and more like Jesus in ALL aspects of life (internally and externally)— “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” 2 Cor. 3:18 —Often we settle in our transformation, especially after our external lives have been cleaned up. We often don’t allow the Gospel to transform us internally because we, for the most part, are good moral people. But Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that we could keep living a natural experience; we are supernatural beings living an extraordinary life! To get there though, we HAVE to continue to transform our hearts and minds so that we can walk in all that was accomplished for us!
a.       Need to be transformed in our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, mindsets, habits, thinking patterns; how we perceive and handle others and yourself, how we handle unforgiveness/offense etc…
b.      The goal is to act and look like Jesus (which can never come to full fruition BUT—you keep striving and surrendering yourself over because as you do—you will be able to walk in a greater authority and will access/walk in the new life given to you through the cross (the old has gone the new has come! 2 Cor. 5:17)
c.       Walking in this new life is what Christianity is all about! Not just about forgiveness but righteousness! You WANT to walk in your new life because you CAN’T walk in the things of the flesh. You are led by the Spirit now and not the flesh (Romans 8!!!)
                                                               i.      There is a need to be continually transformed into the likeness of Christ (for we “are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory!” 2 Cor. 3:18) We are image bearers!
2.       “I wish my people knew”……that their job was to build the Kingdom of God here on earth NOW! (He said—most of my people aren’t even looking to see my kingdom here on earth let alone trying to build it!)
a.       Church = a place for heaven and earth to collide
b.      Church = the radiant bride of Christ; like any good bridesmaid—what are you doing to make sure the bride appears stunning on her wedding day? How are you helping to make sure she looks so beautiful that on her wedding day it takes the groom’s breath away? That he cries just by looking at her.
c.       We need a revelation that church is not something that’s all about me! (stop being consumers and start being producers!)
d.      Church is NOT something you attend regularly (or go to when you need to be fed) it’s something that you build into. How are you using your time, energy, resources and creativity to build the church?
e.      Jesus’ message = the kingdom of God is here! What are you doing to proclaim and build that in your local community?
f.        Once we get a revelation of the bride and understand our role in making her beautiful, not only with churches and Christian hearts be flourishing, but there will be no room for dissention or competition with others.
g.       It is essential that we understand that part of being a follower of Christ is to build the church. “People who have been hurt by people need to be healed by people, in community”—Let’s make the church all she can be!
3.       “I wish my people knew”…… the significance and importance of partnership (eyes to see the body)
a.       We need eyes to see what we can do together as a whole and not just on our own. Instead of being in competition with other people, churches and ministries, we need to learn to value the power of synergy and work together to build and strengthen local churches.
b.      Often we become possessive with our time, talents and abilities. We see other people flourishing and want to take their song or idea and make it better. This is no good!
c.       We also need to know the value of honoring other people. Maturity is the ability to see that people are insecure and fallible and still choose to place honor!
d.      How are you talking about other ministries or pastors? How are you talking about your own pastor and other people in authority? Church is not supposed to be “us vs. them”; we can do more together than on our own.
e.      Need to pray for eyes to see the body with large depth—she’s c complex, she’s multi-dimensioned. The body isn’t just composed of pastors and singers—it needs artists, writers, thinkers, athletes, business people, out-going, introverted,  personality, humor, theater, set design, production, teachers, moms, dads, musicians and the list goes on.

If every believer could live their life in view of these three things then I believe that we as a body of Christ would not only be flourishing as individuals, but also as a body at large. The best days of the church are still head—can you believe that!?!?

1 comment:

  1. .... Its a God moment.... Unity between Christian denominations..amen
