Monday, August 8, 2011

Nuggets of Wisdom Pt.2 -8/5/11

I hope you find these nuggets of truth as inspiring and convicting as I did. Chew over these points and examine yourself; see what's getting in the way of you being a healthy contributor of the body. Enjoy!

1.       Are you letting others find their place on the team? Are you willing to help them even if it’s at your expense? Do you feel excited or threatened when others start winning?
a.       Take a person and see the gold in them that they can’t see—and then push them towards that
2.       We need to learn how to find security without external things holding us up
a.       No position, no person, no affirmation-- Even when people put us down it doesn’t hurt us
3.       To fulfill your role in the body of Chris effectively, you have to be non-threatened by others—you have to be whole, the only way to be whole is in Jesus
a.       You not abiding in HIM is insecurity; if you’re feeling insecurity, abide in Him
4.       Don’t hold your position tightly: if we’re secure and whole in Him our position doesn’t provide our security        
a.       What you do DOES NOT = who you are
b.      Value isn’t tied up in specific area; but tied up in the kingdom of God
5.       Train up the next generation by taking someone on the journey with you.
a.       Our success is measured in successors (are you helping others fulfill their capacity; can people take on the legacy you’re leaving) Goal is to be able to work your way out of a job.
6.       Cooperation vs. Competition: someone striving for their full potential vs. striving to be better than everyone else on their team
a.       Do the people on your team see you as a competitor, or do they know that you are there for their benefit; that you’re there to bring out their best
7.       “A candle loses nothing when it lights another candle”—Thomas Jefferson
8.       When someone is in my sphere of influence, are they benefited in their world?
9.       Understand that just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you SHOULD (I shouldn’t because I can)
a.       Allows other people to do things (when we think we’re great at something it’s hard to release that to other people)
10.   Know YOUR strengths and use them to enhance the team, not to be a stand out
a.       The kingdom of God is never about us standing out; our strength is to serve—to set HIM forward and bring honor to God
b.      You may have incredible talent but it’s meant to be as service to people
c.       Never about the fame but rather the significance of adding to a team (pray that the team is more recognized than your name)
d.      What about your strengths are hindering a team (is your personality getting in the way of the team moving forward?)

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